
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

One simple act of service started a chain reaction of  moments that have changed my life. In that The World Race came into the picture; what was just an idea became a reality. It became a season where I began to know God, experience God, and to hear God. This blog is how the race has changed my life. I’m writing to you from Guatemala! I’m currently in a hotel at a lake called Aitilan spending the weekend here with my squad before our final debrief. This season is sadly coming to an end, but greater seasons are to come. 

Today marks four months since the last time I wrote a blog. Wow that’s hitting hard. These past four months have been ones filled with laughter, good cries, hard talks, life giving talks, breakthrough, freedom, revival, and truthfully so much more. I don’t know where to start… 

Do you have anyone in your life that you go to when you’re stuck or just need to hear a word from the Lord? Well, for me that’s my Dad! His words are ones of life and filed with encouragement. The other day he reminded me of our Fathers heart, “Now just ask Him to write your story. He has already written his for you.” This is the truth – The Lord knows us; He is the author, the one who writes our story. “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16 Our god has known us as we were knitted in our mothers wombs. My life has changed over the race because I have gotten to comprehend that my father loves me and knows me. Everything that has followed after that are all bonuses because I’m unworthy and don’t deserve it. Today I learned that where ever the Lord has me I need to remain present. I decided to stay back to work on this blog as I’m doing that this six year old enthusiastic, creative, girl came over to play with us. It’s moments like these that change my perspective from the worlds. The easily distracted go-go mentality. This is another opportunity where I can learn how to not bow down to world; to allow the Holy Spirit to direct me. 

Put your seat belt on for a second because we are about to go back in history. Second week in GA my team needed to come up with a team name. We settled on the name Brosaic, broken brothers created to form the picture that God has set for us. On this nine month journey I have gotten to experience brotherhood which was a shift for me. I came into the race with nerves about growing a relationship with these guys, because I have been hurt in the past from guy friendships. These men have changed life and continue to everyday. God knew how important I needed life giving brothers in my life. He has brought us broken and messed up to form something greater than we could have ever imagined. 

The first week of September I shared something I’d had never shared before with my coach. From then to now hasn’t been easy, however the days have been more filled of freedom. Before sharing that part of my story with my coach I felt like I was never going to share this with anyone. It was something that I was embarrassed by, hurt from, felt shame for, I felt stupid & felt like nothing would ever really change from these feelings. Week one of WR I knew it was time to share and starting walking this out to experience the fullness of God & the freedom he has set for me. 

8 months later… When the guys & I had our “breakthrough talk” not only did I feel like our team came out different, but I did. That night I felt in my spirit that I needed to share this story with them. I realized that I don’t need to sit in shame any more. That night was really incredible. The guys are amazing men of The Creator; loving me through it & praying for me. The next week my “mantor” was here & I got to bring him alongside this freedom I was experiencing from this part of my life. I never thought that I’d experience freedom from this, ever. 

On Thursday’s we have Activation here at the Base. We have worship in the morning than an amazing teaching that always catches my heart, then we go ATL (Ask The Lord!) Well, last Thursday looked a bit different… After the teaching we had a good while to process and walk through our processing questions. Then after we finished up they told us to gather for Baptisms! I thought one maybe two at the most we’re getting baptized but the lord had other plans!!! That day I knew I wanted to give the Lord a deeper YES! I thought that was through baptism, but I just didn’t feel like that’s what he was calling me to do. After baptism leadership came on the mic and said “we’re going to continue the celebration by testifying”… I knew in that moment that the Lord was inviting me to testify. To share how I have seen the goodness of God in my life, one who breaks off shame! I went up to that mic terrified but with a hopeful and knowing heart. That day I shared what was an awful thing in my life holding me back held down with these chains, but that day I broke off those chains. I said NO MORE IN THE NAME OF JESUS. After sharing I give the mic back and I take two steps and I just fell on the ground crying. A few minutes later one of my squad leaders said “alright JP it’s time to see the Sun” as I looked up my whole squad family is around me crying with me. It was such a sweet freeing moment. NO MORE BONDAGE BABYYYY! 

Here’s some more truth from my dad – “Due to the Bible alone, it has changed you in ways that are incomprehensible for most people.  It is not only knowing God through the Bible, but most importantly, it is you truly knowing who you are from the inside out.” Thanks be too God for the truth that lies within my identity. This is how God has changed me. “He picked me up, turned me around, placed my feet on solid ground. He healed my heart and changed my name.” 

The Race not only changed my life, but most importantly God has. 




Song suggestion: “I Thank God” by maverick city


Okay for real this time… A blog will be out SOON on what’s next for me 🙂 


Love you guys so much!! 



5 responses to “Greater Seasons To Come // How My Life Is Changing…”

  1. JP. So, so, so proud of you. Man of God! So thankful to come along on this journey with you. Thanks for sharing your heart. Love you tons!

  2. Josh, you have made me so very proud of you. I am proud of how you started this journey, which was broken and uncertain, but hoping for the best and always having faith in God. I am proud of the man of God you are becoming and so happy to have seen you grow so much. Finally, I will be very proud of all the things yet to come, which God will guide you to and through with love, compassion and thanksgiving. The way God has worked in your life is amazing and is far from over. From day one, I have said that God hand selected each of you for Squad E and having met many from that group, I feel it even more. The bond that he created for all of you is beyond comprehension. It is not only a bond to serve the Lord without fear, but is a bond of many young women and men, with their own different personalities and mindset in relation to life and how God plays a part in it, who were brought together to form a family; a family filled with respect, empathy, compassion, trust and a love for one another and for Christ, that is all because of God. These are relationships that you will have for the rest of your lives because that is exactly what God wants. Each of you within this family will make arrangements to ensure that you all will meet again in some way or another. I am not only looking forward to what God has planned for you JP, but for your entire squad because I know in my heart, that he is not done with any of you yet and that, as you all go your separate ways in the near future, you will do so knowing that the journey is far from over and that as you go home and share your testimonies with your families, your friends, your church family or whomever wants to hear how God has worked in your lives, you will do so knowing that you wouldn’t have wonted to experience what you all have done without each other as well as your amazing leaders and mentors.

    Just know Josh, that had it not been for you, I wouldn’t be where I am in my relationship with God and I wouldn’t be doing the things according to his plan and I sure wouldn’t be on the path I am currently on without me being inspired by how God was working in you life. Since then, I have been able to give you the advice I have, not with my words, but with God’s words. My knowledge and wisdom has come only through God and although I enjoy the love and gratitude you have given me in your blog, I have to take all that and give all the glory to God. If you recall, I have given you advice in the past, that maybe you haven’t taken it and now I know that worldly advice is much different than any Godly advice that I can give you or anyone else for that matter. I have been blessed to share the things I am now capable to do because I am in Him and He is in me. To feel the Holy Spirit inside is a special feeling and although many may question that, unless they feel it personally, they will not believe. Each and everyone of you have the Holy Spirit in your veins running through your bodies, which will guide you throughout your lives and always having faith in God is the key, but the most important aspect of this whole journey is that you all have now experienced what it is like to have carried the cross and can now value both the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ even more. You all have been renewed by the blood of Jesus.

    Finally, this is just a chapter of your story Joshua and with each new chapter in you life, it will be filled with love and joy, and of course led by the Holy Spirit. I am proud and filled with unconditional love for all three of my sons Noah, Josh and Ethan because I am confident that God will take a hold of each of them and mold them into the men of God he is looking for. With that all said, I love you Joshua and I love what God is doing in your life. I also love your entire squad like they were my own sons and daughters, and I would do anything for any one of them because that is how God wants it to be. I have one final question for not only you Josh, but for your entire squad and each of you can write your own stories according to these two words: “What if?”

    What if you never have to ask yourselves this question again, knowing that everything you do is exactly what you should be doing, where you should be doing it and why you are doing what you are doing — to glorify God.



  3. God bless you brother, the words of your testimony bring freedom!! So honored to walk alongside you through the journey!

  4. “everything else is just a bonus” & “NO MORE IN THE NAME OF JESUS”
    that’s some sweet, sweet truth right there !! love you & proud of you bro